My Background

My name is Kenneth Jaimes (he/him) and I am a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT). The license title is a bit of a misnomer, as I am trained to work with more than just “married couples” and “families.” I approach my work with a systemic lens, meaning I understand people are super complicated and layered. Rather than ignoring all of these layers, I am trained to hear out the intricacies of your issues to provide tailored and thoughtful care

WA License: LF61108316

MI License: 4101007361

PA License: MF001587

MS Marriage and Family Therapy, Seattle Pacific University 2017

The Technical Stuff

I primarily work from a narrative therapy approach and am skilled to incorporate interventions from cognitive-behavioral therapy, structural therapy, mindfulness and other therapeutic approaches. All that being said, I have a metaphorical "tool box" with lots of different "tools" in it. Therapy meetings are 50 minutes long, and 90 minute meetings can be scheduled upon request. Depending on your presenting issues, therapeutic interventions might include:

  • Challenging unhelpful thought patterns, assumptions and narratives

  • Identifying needed boundaries and expectations and how to set them

  • Finding external images or metaphors that capture the presenting issues

  • Slowing down to identify underlying emotions

  • Processing difficult and complicated events

  • Exploring unhelpful patterns of conflict and their origins

  • Facilitating mindfulness and grounding activities

  • Providing psycho-education (around topics such as brain development, family life cycles, etc.)

  • Discussing how systemic issues of oppression (i.e. racism, patriarchy, heteronormativity, etc) impact you and contribute to your presenting issues

Oh, and I occasionally sprinkle some humor and sarcasm into my work.   


I've chosen this brand, "Re-Story Therapy," because I like to think of life as a story actively being written by you, the client. And, like in any good story, sometimes bad things happen (ever heard a quality story where only good things happen? Think about it..... Nothing comes to mind right?!?!).

Many times when people find themselves in challenging circumstances, they are able to find solutions on their own. This innovation and resourcefulness in people is what excites me and gives me hope. Other times, the difficulties life throws one's way may seem too overwhelming, complicated or scary to deal with. Sometimes people come up with temporary solutions to problems so they can cope in the meantime. All of these responses to adversity and challenges are normal and, in my experience, people seek out therapy when their options or their “stories” feel stuck

As a therapist I do not hold the keys that unlock all the secrets to making your problems go away. However, I think my services are of value in partnering along side you - the protagonist of your story - in co-creating and writing an ending that you see fit. When your story feels bleak, I hope to collaborate and support you in re-story-ing your life.

As a therapist, I never know how people's stories end. Sometimes our therapeutic relationships end on a cliff hanger, metaphorically speaking.  Nevertheless, I trust my work helps clients live full lives bent toward an ending they find meaningful and worthwhile. 

Other Work

While therapy is my main gig, in recent years I have also:

  • Lead therapy groups for adult men in which I guide a space to unpack Western male socialization and patriarchy

  • Teach class on resilience, identity and responding to micro-aggressions for Rainier Scholars

  • Support and coach other marriage and family therapists in training

  • Facilitate small groups for SAR (Sexual Attitude Reassessment)